Indian Lakes Campground
Cancellation Policy:
Cancel 8 or more days before your stay, there is a $25 fee
Cancel 1-7 Days before check-in on a Non-holiday, there is a charge of one night's camping.
Cancel 1-7 Days before check-in on a Holiday, there is no refunds
No Refunds Day of Check-in
Campsite Check-in: is at 2pm and check-out is at 1pm.
Cabin Check-in: is at 2 pm Check-out is at Noon.
You can extend your stay until 7pm on the day you check-out for a $10 fee. Inquire at the lodge.
Wireless Internet: You can purchase a 24 hour Internet ticket at the lodge. It is good for one device.
One free ticket is included for each night you stay.
Rentals: pontoon boats, golf carts, canoes, 4-wheel pedal bikes and fishing boats are available at the Lodge.
Food: cheeseburgers, pizza, hotdogs, rib sandwiches, soft pretzels w/ cheese, breakfast sandwiches and hand
dipped ice cream are available at the Lodge. Ask about restaurant recommendations.
Gate Cards: they are available only for our overnight campers for a refundable $5 deposit at the Lodge.
Push the call button at the gate during business hours to be let in. You can always park out front and walk back to your campsite if it is after hours.
Speed limit: 5 MPH in the park.
First Aid Kit: available at the Lodge.
Trash: dumpsters are shown on the map. Do not leave food, nails or trash in the fire ring. Please no
burning plastic or rubber!
Pets: No Rottweilers, Pit-bulls or unfriendly dogs. Dogs must be on a leash less than 6 feet in length at all times and
may not be left outside unattended. Pick up after your dog. Bags are available at the Lodge. Extra fees apply for dogs.
Quiet hours: 10pm- 8am please respect.
Music and noise should not be heard beyond your campsite at any time of day.
Children Curfew: must be at their campsite by 10pm
Visitors / Guests: must register at the Lodge. Each campsite included 2 adults and your children under 18 years of
age. Grandparents can have 2 grandchildren between the ages of 10-17 years of age with no additional charge. Additional charges may apply for extra people. Day visitors must leave the park by 9pm.
Beach & Pool: Open 9am to 9pm. Non-swimmers and children under the age of 14 should wear a life jacket and
have adult supervision while on piers, pool, beach or around the lake. No lifeguard on duty.
For Emergencies: Call 911. Management cell 260-418-3140 Dylan
NO TREE CUTTING: dead or alive.
Not Allowed: firearms, BB guns, bow and arrows, sling shots, fireworks, etc.
No bicycles after dark.
No skateboards or inline skates allowed in the park.
Cars and Golf Carts: are the only motorized transportation allowed within the park.
Campsite number is subject to change and some campsites may require us to park your camper with our tractor